The Security Colony is the first unique and significant cyber security collaboration platform. It was built in 2015 - a different type of professional services company - based on the belief that the existing industry approach to delivering cyber security services needed to be improved. The concept behind that improvement follows a simple philosophy: if a problem is solved in one organization, it makes sense to make the answer readily available to others so they can take steps to protect their businesses from the same threat, and can avoid having to waste money working out a solution to a problem that has already been solved elsewhere. 


To achieve that improvement, we launched the Security Colony in 2015 to implement what we call 'Community Driven Security'.  This isn’t crowd-sourcing but involves sharing information within communities of interest who are experiencing common challenges. The Security Colony aims to strengthen the baseline of security across the economy, making it harder for the bad guys to cause mayhem. It does this by:

  • Making de-identified outputs from consulting projects available to the broader security community. These outputs are from real-world consulting projects and so are battle-tested and proven. 

  • Making consulting projects cheaper the first time they are done. If a client is willing to share the output of a project (that has, of course, been desensitized and de-identified) then we can reduce the cost of that consulting project by effectively “buying back” the IP being created, in order to re-use it.

  • Making subsequent consulting projects cheaper and faster.  Once we’ve completed a certain project type – say, developing a suite of incident response scenarios and quick reference guides – then the next organization who needs a similar project can start from that and pay only for the changes required (and if those changes improve the core resources, those changes will flow through to the portal too).

Starting at $150/month (and you can trial it for free), you can get access to the output from our entire consulting team, country-wide. Depending on your level of subscription,

  • You can get an entire Information Security Management System that we were paid $100K to develop.
  • You can get entire security architecture documents that we were paid $40K to develop.
  • You can get incident response planning guides that we were paid $50K to develop.

And hundreds of other documents that add up to over $20 million in value. It’s all derived from real-world consulting projects, paid for by real clients.

You can save tens, or hundreds, of thousands of dollars through subscribing and re-using these materials.

New content is being added every month, and we're excited to see that organizations of all types have subscribed and are expressing the same enthusiasm about the Security Colony that led us to create it.